Wednesday, November 10, 2010

That Ain't Nothing

Been hearing a new song lately, This Ain't Nothing - by Craig Morgan. Not only is it a good song, it's like so true also. It's basicly saying that little petty things people are whining (complaining) about are not important. And the funny thing is it seems like I'm noticing lots of examples lately. I'm reading facebook and people are always airing their dirty laundry, their personal life all over it. Bitchng and complaining like there life is over, and usually over the most trivial of things. Facebook is not working well, the computer is slow, they're gonna miss a TV show, the internet went down for a while and so on, it doesn't stop there, at work someone's always complaining about something. In fact it seems to be every where. Then there is real legit things that really put things in perspective. Yesteday I was reading about someone upset (could it get any worse)cause they were missing a TV show, and then I read about a friend who's mom passed away, and he says at least she's with his dad now. His mom passed away, and he's looking at the possitive side. It seems that when real tragedy hits, people see it face value and look for hope and love to pull them through. But when trivial things happen, people respond with such disspair. I was at work today, and heard the usual, and even more speculation of how work sucks and that the work might even come to and end. All to be put back in perspective as I walk in a patient's room, a thin elderly lady who is bald from chemo, and she looks up at me and smiles, Now That Is Something.