Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So I'm into Geocaching, it's a game played worldwide with a GPS. The best description and easiest to understand is "I use multi-billion dollar satellite equipment to find Tupperware in the bush". Geocaching actually takes you to some of the most amazing places, like Eternal Flame, this cache is in the state of New York. There is a flame (methane gas coming from the earth) and it's within a waterfall. Been to caves in B.C. to high above Lake Huron at Lion's Head Lookout. It's not always great locations, some are at your local Walmarts. Because it is the game player's who place caches. So they can place almost anywhere, few rules like has to be on approved land and they cannot be buried or disrupt the natural surroundings. The beauty is that you can pick and choose the caches you want to do, there is no set rule for the ones you do. So if you like hard to get, out of the way caches like I do, you do those. If you like city ones, you do those.
So here's a bit how it works, caches (watertight sealed container) are placed, inside is a logbook and some trinkets. The location of the cache is documented then placed on the net ( Other cachers than get the Co-ords and load them on the GPS. Then they set off to find the cache. Once found, they sign and document the logbook, trade trinkets if they like and then replace the cache to it's original location for other's to find. Then you document it once again at Upload pics if you want and this site keeps track of all your caches for you. So basicly that's what it's about and more info can be found at My web pages document many caches I've found. Next Blog will be about my latest cache.

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