Thursday, June 24, 2010

What to do, Where to go

This is what I've been working on this week. See, my wife begins her holidays and I'm trying to get her in a canoe trip or camping trip. We've done the B.C. trip and the Vegas, but now I'd like to get away from civilization and just enjoy the beauty of our back country. Besides, I already have a boat, kayaks and canoe's along with quads and trailers, so let's enjoy the things we have.
So recently I went to Lake Obabika with my son, what an amazing place, such serenity and solitude. Now it seems, it's calling me back and to tell you the truth, I really would like to go back. But it's a bigger lake and if the weather isn't perfect, it could be more frustrating than fun. There is a few familiar places like Mosquito Lake and Lake Nippissing, but I've been there so many times, I'm thinking somewhere new (newer) would satisfy my outdoor adventure craving. I'm pondering Lake Matagamasi, Lake Obabika, then was thinking Ramsey and Biscotasing. The thing is Monique (my wife) isn't crazy about the idea of being (sleeping) in the woods. And if any big portaging is happening, she won't be too impressed. Another deciding factor is the dogs, camping with the boat, they would be able to come. Canoe on the other hand, well there 's no way Max (106lbs German Shepherd) can do. Was initially thinking of getting some geocaches up near West Tree, but I think hiking 2km would just make Monique more nervous than fun. So lot's to think about and then there's the weather. Well another day contemplating and researching and this quest goes on, hopefully it all comes together, but then again, it usually does.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, let me say congrats on the blog. Second of all, let me say: I don't blame tante Monique one bit for not jumping for joy at the idea of your outdoor adventure! lol She's a better woman than I am, I wouldn't even consider it. If there ain't no indoor plumbing and room service, there ain't no Sandra! Am looking forward to more posts though!
