Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Camping Memories

KICX got me thinking about this and we talked about it the other day when camping. One of our most memorable and funniest camping stories.
One of ours was years back. Went with my brother, his son, a friend and his son, my son and I and our dog. Well my dog got a hook caught in his lip and my son wasn't feeling well, so I told my brother and friend to take my boat and go fishing where we usually catch our fish. He asked how to turn on the fish-finder, and I told him to push the power. I went and napped with my son and dog in the tent. I wake up cause I hear them talking and wonder why there so close, but was groggy and fell back asleep. Wake up again later (almost 3hrs) and still can here them. Got out and seen them fishing not very far from the dock. Asked why didn't you go fishing where our spot was, they replied "We're marking lots of fish right here. I said "did you catch any" to which they said "no". I asked how deep it was showing and it was way off, that's when I realized that when he turned on the fish-finder, he held the power button which puts it in DEMO mode. They fished for three hours on Demo mode.
My poor dog was exhausted from our attempts to get the hook out, that when she finally fell asleep, I grabbed the hook with pliers and pulled it out as she awoke startled.
We had a good laugh and still do today.

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