Friday, July 23, 2010

What's your Motto

There comes a time in every ones life where they come across something that gives them a purpose, a reason, a motto to live by. It could be something a friend tells you, something from a mentor, come from a song or a poem, a life experience or even something from TV. Whatever or wherever, you know right there and then, that's the way your gonna live your life by. Mine came from a poem I read somewhere (don't even remember where anymore) but I copied it, framed it and been living by it ever since. Didn't even know the author of it and when I finally Google'd it just a few years ago, found out there was even more to the poem. There is still many different variations and it was believed to be written on someone's cell wall, but now claimed to be written by Dale Wimbrow, (c) 1934, Whoever, whatever and whenever doesn't really matter to me, all I know is the first two verses have been my motto, words that I live by.

Man In The Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for self

And the world makes you king for a day,

Just go to the mirror and look at yourself

And see what that man has to say.

For it isn’t your father or mother or wife

Whose judgment upon which you must pass.

The fellow whose verdict counts most in you life

Is the one staring back from the glass.

Basically my take on it is:
that you have to live with yourself, so make sure you do things that you can live with doing.
Others can have influence and guidance, but you have to do what you think is right.
You don't have to please everyone, you have to please yourself

And with that being said, I like to keep within these guidelines. I've sometimes did somethings that others don't agree with or approve of, but they can deal with their own feelings, I'll deal with mine. It's hard sometimes (Ok, lots of times) because people don't really know the whole story, so sometimes you seem like the bad guy, but your not, but you may be the only one who knows. Sometimes you want to explain, but then again, that could only backfire and then they think your just covering your own ass. So it's easier to do like the poem says,"what you think and know is all that matters". It sometimes seems like the "nice guy" finishes last, and when you try to help someone, you end up being the bad guy. It seems no matter what you do, someone got pissed at you, but then again, it's what you know that counts. I don't try to cover up or make excuses, as I know the truth, but that sometimes makes it even more complicated, but like I said, they can deal with their own problems.
Now at the same time it gives me a different perspective on others, like when I see a homeless person, I think, what was it in life that brought this person to be where they are today. Or a suicide, what sadness could of lead to such a fate. We should never judge others, as there is usually many circumstances that lead to such circumstances, sometimes things that are even beyond our realm. So it doesn't always excuse people, but it does give an different perspective.
This blog may of not been to everyone's satisfaction, but then again, as long as I'm satisfied, that's all that really counts.

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